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Take life where you want it to go and how you want to experience it. 
You lead, Let's Calibrate
Celebrate and hold space for your unfoldment.

Sovereign Femme 1:1 1 Week Mentor Coaching Portal


~ 1 Week in length
~ 1 hour call
~ Daily voxer real time support via text and audio messages
~ supportive practices and holistic lifestyle information

Sovereign Femme 1:1 1 Month Mentor Coaching Portal


~ 1 Month Long (extensions available)
~ 1 hour weekly call
~ Daily voxer real time support via text and audio messages
~ Weekly supportive practices, holistic lifestyle information, access to any masterclasses available at the time


Sovereign Femme 1:1 3 Month Mentor Coaching Portal


~ 3 Mastermind Sessions ( 6 hours total)
~ 1 hour weekly call
~ Daily voxer real time support via text and audio messages 
~ Access to the Sovereign Femme Facebook Group and access to live transmissions and informational portals. 
~ Weekly Rune or Astrology update 


You Hold The Keys To Your Living Legacy 

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